Latest Episodes

@TheHowlRadio - Games, Rotations, Towns Back!
Looking at the current state of the Wolves in terms of games and rotations. What is the answer to the age old question how...

@TheHowlRadio - A magical loss
This game was ugly but what can fans and the team take away from it? Deep dive into the final 4 minutes.

@TheHowlRadio - Grizzlies Collapse
Diving into the Grizzly game as well as other Wolves storylines.

@TheHowlRadio - Beating the Spurs
Can the Wolves beat the Spurs when they don't have Towns? We break down the 2nd matchup between the 2 teams.

@TheHowlRadio - Spurs Game 1
Towns is back! How did the wolves look/fare with their star player back?

@TheHowlRadio - Game Reviews & News
The good and the bad from games 4-7 for the Wolves. Lots to touch on from those games and is Towns on the verge...