Latest Episodes

@TheHowlRadio - Fix Wolves without Jimmy, #CanKevinCousy, #HowlHardwoodHistory
3rd Quarter is our 2K All Day segment this week looking at possible ways to replace Jimmy Butler and save the Wolves season. 4th...

@TheHowlRadio - Twolves and Talkers
1st Quarter - Wolves and Iowa Wolves Review and Preview. We end this segment with a game of shotclock. 2nd Quarter - Our talkers...

@TheHowlRadio - #2KAllDay Make or Break, #CanKevinCousy
3rd Quarter is our 2K All Day quarter. This week we have another edition of Make or Break where we see who can make...

@TheHowlRadio - Oliver Maroney, Kickstradomis Interviews.
2nd quarter we are joined by Oliver Maroney who is a Writer at Dime Magazine, Host of @TheBig3 Show and one half of the...

@TheHowlRadio - Wolves 2018 Champs, #HowlHardwoodHistory, #CanKevinCousy
3rd quarter is our 2K All Day segment sponsored by 2K. Listen for your chance to win a copy of 2K18 for XBox one...

@TheHowlRadio - Flip Saunders Game, All Star Weekend Special
Special edition of The Howl on our experience at the Flip Saunders Game vs. the Lakers. We also review the Rockets game and touch...