@TheHowlRadio - Review and Preview, NBA Talkers, Interview with Bartley Blume of Bent Brewstillery

Episode 12 December 16, 2017 01:48:11
@TheHowlRadio - Review and Preview, NBA Talkers, Interview with Bartley Blume of Bent Brewstillery
The Howl Radio
@TheHowlRadio - Review and Preview, NBA Talkers, Interview with Bartley Blume of Bent Brewstillery

Dec 16 2017 | 01:48:11


Show Notes

This weeks episode begins with reviewing the games that were and previewing the games to come. This weeks talker segment features Howl Hot takes where we call out twitter users with some awful NBA opinions as well as a number of good NBA news nuggets. We end this episode with an interview with Bartley Blume from Bent Brewstillery who is trying to change Minnesota law and provide you with the best beer and liquors possible.

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