Latest Episodes

@TheHowlRadio - Wolves & Iowa Games, $15 dollar team, WNBA Draft and more!
This is our first half show. 1st Quarter is our review and preview segment looking at both the Timberwolves and the Iowa Wolves. 2nd...

@TheHowlRadio - Lebron on the Wolves? #HowlHardwoodHistory Jerry Lucas and #CanKevinCousy
We start with our 2K all day segment where we have a new edition of Dunn Better where we look at the Wolves if...

@TheHowlRadio - Wolves and Iowa Reviews and Previews, NBA Talkers
First Quarter we review and preview Wolves and Iowa Wolves games. Second Quarter is our Talkers Segment icluding: Lavar Ball and the Lakers, Wolves...

@TheHowlRadio - Howliday Howl featuring #HowlHardwoodHistory, #CanKevinCousy
This is the Howliday episode of The Howl Radio. This episode features a Howl Hardwood History and Can Kevin Cousy.

@TheHowlRadio - #2K18, #HowlHardwoodHistory, #CanKevinCousy
This episode features 2K All Day our 2K18 sponsored segement. This weeks segment features 2K18 news, the perfect game sliders and Dunn Better where...

@TheHowlRadio - Reviews and Previews, Wolves NBA and WNBA Talkers
We start with our review and preview segment looking at the games that were and the games coming up as well. We then have...