Latest Episodes

@TheHowlRadio - A Towns Wolves Rebuild
3rd Quarter is our 2K All Day Segment. This week see how the Wolves can do in a 2K18 simulation of a Towns centered...

@TheHowlRadio - Mock Draft 3.0, Talkers
1st Quarter Mock Draft 3.0 the first post lottery mock. 2nd Quarter Talkers, Lynx Review Preview.

@TheHowlRadio - Dwynell Roland Release, Talkers
1st Quarter we are joined by Dwynel Roland to premier some tracks from his upcoming new release. 2nd Quarter NBA and WNBA talkers.

@TheHowlRadio - Mock Draft 2.0, Talkers
1st Quarter is Rob's Mock Draft 2.0, find out where your favorite prospects are going and who the Wolves are going to take. 2nd...

@TheHowlRadio - 2K18 80 Yr Challenge, Can Kevin Cousy
3rd Quarter is our 2K All Day Quarter this week featuring more of the 80 year challenge. 4th Quarter is Howl Hardwood History and...

@TheHowlRadio - Lynx Season Preview, Wolves Free Agency Tournament
1st Quarter this week we preview the upcoming Lynx Season as well as have an NCAA tournament style tournament for upcoming Wolves free agents....